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Entry January 12 2018

Today I researched a bit on the Hep B vaccine, looking specifically for information on why it's given at birth and it's safety. In some videos I've been watching (Vaccines Revealed, specifically) they have been talking about how testing for vaccines are not generally done with a placebo, which is the "Gold Standard" ( in scientific studies but vaccines are often tested against parts of or other vaccines all together. I've read a few "pro-vaccine" or "pro vaccine-research slamming" news reports, specifically about Trump calling Robert F Kennedy jr as the the head of the "Vaccine Safety Commission" which we may see in the near future. This gives me hope that significant studies may soon be enforced, and maybe someday the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 will be repealed. But the 5-6 news reports that I read were all adamant that studies were "strong

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